MIDES Wide Field v5.0
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These are the commands to ingest version 5 from Andrea Pocino
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `jcarrete.mice2_remap_photometry_sof_desy3_gold2_v5_0_csv`( `unique_gal_id` bigint COMMENT 'unique galaxy id', `ra_gal` double COMMENT 'galaxy right ascension (degrees) from MICECATv2.0', `dec_gal` double COMMENT 'galaxy declination (degrees) from MICECATv2.0', kappa double COMMENT '', lmhalo double COMMENT '', flag_central double COMMENT '', `z_cgal` double COMMENT 'galaxy true redshift from MICECATv2.0', `g_sof` double COMMENT 'observed g-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof g magnitude', `r_sof` double COMMENT 'observed r-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof r magnitude', `i_sof` double COMMENT 'observed i-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof i magnitude', `z_sof` double COMMENT 'observed z-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof z magnitude', `g_sof_err` double COMMENT 'error of the resampled g-magnitude', `r_sof_err` double COMMENT 'error of the resampled r-magnitude', `i_sof_err` double COMMENT 'error of the resampled i-magnitude', `z_sof_err` double COMMENT 'error of the resampled z-magnitude', g_sof_magnified double COMMENT '', r_sof_magnified double COMMENT '', i_sof_magnified double COMMENT '', z_sof_magnified double COMMENT '', `z_dnf_mean_sof` double COMMENT 'Photo-z from DNF. Z mean statistic. Dnf run using sof resampled magnitudes', `z_dnf_mean_sof_err` double COMMENT 'Photo-z error given by DNF. Dnf run using sof resampled magnitudes', `z_dnf_mc_sof` double COMMENT 'Photo-z from DNF. Z Monte-Carlo statistic. Dnf run using sof resampled magnitudes') ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'field.delim'=',', 'serialization.format'=',') STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' LOCATION 'hdfs://namenode01/user/jcarrete/data/des/MICE2_resampled/apocino/v5.0/' ;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `cosmohub.mice2_remap_photometry_sof_desy3_gold2_v5_0`( `unique_gal_id` bigint COMMENT 'unique galaxy id', `ra_gal` float COMMENT 'galaxy right ascension (degrees) from MICECATv2.0', `dec_gal` float COMMENT 'galaxy declination (degrees) from MICECATv2.0', `z_cgal` float COMMENT 'galaxy true redshift from MICECATv2.0', `g_sof` float COMMENT 'observed g-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof g magnitude', `r_sof` float COMMENT 'observed r-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof r magnitude', `i_sof` float COMMENT 'observed i-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof i magnitude', `z_sof` float COMMENT 'observed z-magnitude resampled from DES Y3Gold2 sof z magnitude', `g_sof_err` float COMMENT 'error of the resampled g-magnitude', `r_sof_err` float COMMENT 'error of the resampled r-magnitude', `i_sof_err` float COMMENT 'error of the resampled i-magnitude', `z_sof_err` float COMMENT 'error of the resampled z-magnitude', g_sof_magnified float COMMENT 'magnified resampled sof g magnitude', r_sof_magnified float COMMENT 'magnified resampled sof r magnitude', i_sof_magnified float COMMENT 'magnified resampled sof i magnitude', z_sof_magnified float COMMENT 'magnified resampled sof z magnitude', `z_dnf_mean_sof` float COMMENT 'Photo-z from DNF. Z mean statistic. Dnf run using sof resampled magnitudes', `z_dnf_mean_sof_err` float COMMENT 'Photo-z error given by DNF. Dnf run using sof resampled magnitudes', `z_dnf_mc_sof` float COMMENT 'Photo-z from DNF. Z Monte-Carlo statistic. Dnf run using sof resampled magnitudes' ) CLUSTERED BY ( unique_gal_id) INTO 64 BUCKETS ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcSerde' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcOutputFormat' ;
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cosmohub.mice2_remap_photometry_sof_desy3_gold2_v5_0 SELECT `unique_gal_id`, `ra_gal`, `dec_gal`, `z_cgal`, `g_sof`, `r_sof`, `i_sof`, `z_sof`, `g_sof_err`, `r_sof_err`, `i_sof_err`, `z_sof_err`, g_sof_magnified, r_sof_magnified, i_sof_magnified, z_sof_magnified, `z_dnf_mean_sof`, `z_dnf_mean_sof_err`, `z_dnf_mc_sof` FROM jcarrete.mice2_remap_photometry_sof_desy3_gold2_v5_0_csv WHERE unique_gal_id IS NOT NULL;