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Version 2.4
Previous version (2.3) was uploaded by Pau. I used the same schema used for 2.3 since checking by eye both catalogs have the same fields.
I take the catalog from the following link:
In particular with this command from the following location:
Then I create the path in the hdfs and copy the file:
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/jcarrete/data/glade hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/jcarrete/data/glade/2.4
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /cephfs/ /user/jcarrete/data/GLADE/2.4/GLADE_2.4.txt
To create the external table:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE jcarrete.glade_2_4_ssv( `pgc` int COMMENT 'PGC number', `gwgc_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the GWGC catalog', `hyperleda_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the HyperLEDA catalog', `2mass_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the 2MASS XSC catalog', `sdss_dr12_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the SDSS-DR12 QSO catalog', `flag1` char(1) COMMENT 'Q: the source is from the SDSS-DR12 QSO catalog C: the source is a globular cluster G: the source is from another catalog and not identified as a globular cluster', `ra` float COMMENT 'Right ascention [deg]', `dec` float COMMENT 'Declination [deg]', `dist` float COMMENT 'Luminosity distance [Mpc]', `dist_err` float COMMENT 'Error of distance [Mpc]', `z` float COMMENT 'Redshift', `b` float COMMENT 'Apparent B magnitude', `b_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent B magnitude', `b_abs` float COMMENT 'Absolute B magnitude', `j` float COMMENT 'Apparent J magnitude', `j_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent J magnitude', `h` float COMMENT 'Apparent H magnitude', `h_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent H magnitude', `k` float COMMENT 'Apparent K magnitude', `k_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent K magnitude', `flag2` tinyint COMMENT '0: the galaxy had neither measured distance nor measured redshift value\n1: the galaxy had measured redshift value, from which we have calculated distance using the following cosmological parameters: $H_0=70, Omega_{M}=0.27, Omega_{Lambda}=0.73$\n2: the galaxy had measured distance value from which we have calculated redshift using the following cosmological parameters: $H_0=70, Omega_{M}=0.27, Omega_{Lambda}=0.73$\n3: The measured photometric redshift of the galaxy has been changed to spectroscopic redshift, from which we have calculated distance using the following cosmological parameters: $H_0=70, Omega_{M}=0.27, Omega_{Lambda}=0.73$', `flag3` tinyint COMMENT '0: velocity field correction has not been applied to the object 1: we have subtracted the radial velocity of the object') ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'field.delim'=' ', 'serialization.format'=' ') STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 'hdfs://AntNest/user/jcarrete/data/GLADE/2.4/' ;
To create CosmoHub table:
CREATE TABLE cosmohub.glade_2_4_c( `pgc` int COMMENT 'PGC number', `gwgc_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the GWGC catalog', `hyperleda_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the HyperLEDA catalog', `2mass_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the 2MASS XSC catalog', `sdss_dr12_name` string COMMENT 'Name in the SDSS-DR12 QSO catalog', `flag1` char(1) COMMENT 'Q: the source is from the SDSS-DR12 QSO catalog C: the source is a globular cluster G: the source is from another catalog and not identified as a globular cluster', `ra` float COMMENT 'Right ascention [deg]', `dec` float COMMENT 'Declination [deg]', `dist` float COMMENT 'Luminosity distance [Mpc]', `dist_err` float COMMENT 'Error of distance [Mpc]', `z` float COMMENT 'Redshift', `b` float COMMENT 'Apparent B magnitude', `b_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent B magnitude', `b_abs` float COMMENT 'Absolute B magnitude', `j` float COMMENT 'Apparent J magnitude', `j_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent J magnitude', `h` float COMMENT 'Apparent H magnitude', `h_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent H magnitude', `k` float COMMENT 'Apparent K magnitude', `k_err` float COMMENT 'Error of apparent K magnitude', `flag2` tinyint COMMENT '0: the galaxy had neither measured distance nor measured redshift value\n1: the galaxy had measured redshift value, from which we have calculated distance using the following cosmological parameters: $H_0=70, Omega_{M}=0.27, Omega_{Lambda}=0.73$\n2: the galaxy had measured distance value from which we have calculated redshift using the following cosmological parameters: $H_0=70, Omega_{M}=0.27, Omega_{Lambda}=0.73$\n3: The measured photometric redshift of the galaxy has been changed to spectroscopic redshift, from which we have calculated distance using the following cosmological parameters: $H_0=70, Omega_{M}=0.27, Omega_{Lambda}=0.73$', `flag3` tinyint COMMENT '0: velocity field correction has not been applied to the object 1: we have subtracted the radial velocity of the object') CLUSTERED BY ( pgc, gwgc_name, hyperleda_name, 2mass_name, sdss_dr12_name) INTO 4 BUCKETS ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' ;
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE cosmohub.glade_2_4_c SELECT pgc, gwgc_name, hyperleda_name, 2mass_name, sdss_dr12_name, flag1, ra, `dec`, dist, dist_err, z, b, b_err, b_abs, j, j_err, h, h_err, k, k_err, flag2, flag3 FROM jcarrete.glade_2_4_ssv;