Legacy Survey DR8
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Raw data
Downloaded from
south/tractor north/tractor
Mirrored using lftp commands:
mirror -c -v -P 200 north/tractor/ /mnt/pau/north/tractor/ mirror -c -v -P 200 south/tractor/ /mnt/pau/south/tractor/
into a 5 TiB temporary Ceph filesystem mounted in tdm002.
Checksums provided through sha256sum files, and checked using command:
find * -type d | xargs -t -L1 -P24 sh -c 'cd $1; sha256sum --quiet -c *.sha256sum' cksum
The following code snippet was used in spark to convert fits files to parquet:
path_base = '/cephfs/pic.es/cosmohub/legacysurvey' hdfs_base = '/user/tallada/data/legacysurvey' hs = ['h=north', 'h=south'] rs = ['r={0:03d}'.format(x) for x in range(360)] for h in hs: for r in rs: p = os.path.join(path_base, h, r) if not os.path.exists(p): continue size = sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(p,f)) for f in os.listdir(p) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p,f))) print h, r, size df = spark.read.format("fits").option("hdu", 1).load( "file://" + p ) df = df.repartition(int(math.ceil(size / (256*1024*1024.0)))) df.write.parquet(os.path.join(hdfs_base, h, r))
External table
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tallada.dr8 ( `release` smallint, `brickid` int, `brickname` string, `objid` int, `brick_primary` boolean, `brightblob` smallint, `maskbits` smallint, `type` string, `ra` double, `dec` double, `ra_ivar` float, `dec_ivar` float, `bx` float, `by` float, `dchisq` array<float>, `ebv` float, `mjd_min` double, `mjd_max` double, `ref_cat` string, `ref_id` bigint, `pmra` float, `pmdec` float, `parallax` float, `pmra_ivar` float, `pmdec_ivar` float, `parallax_ivar` float, `ref_epoch` float, `gaia_pointsource` boolean, `gaia_phot_g_mean_mag` float, `gaia_phot_g_mean_flux_over_error` float, `gaia_phot_g_n_obs` smallint, `gaia_phot_bp_mean_mag` float, `gaia_phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error` float, `gaia_phot_bp_n_obs` smallint, `gaia_phot_rp_mean_mag` float, `gaia_phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error` float, `gaia_phot_rp_n_obs` smallint, `gaia_phot_variable_flag` boolean, `gaia_astrometric_excess_noise` float, `gaia_astrometric_excess_noise_sig` float, `gaia_astrometric_n_obs_al` smallint, `gaia_astrometric_n_good_obs_al` smallint, `gaia_astrometric_weight_al` float, `gaia_duplicated_source` boolean, `gaia_a_g_val` float, `gaia_e_bp_min_rp_val` float, `gaia_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor` float, `gaia_astrometric_sigma5d_max` float, `gaia_astrometric_params_solved` tinyint, `flux_g` float, `flux_r` float, `flux_z` float, `flux_w1` float, `flux_w2` float, `flux_w3` float, `flux_w4` float, `flux_ivar_g` float, `flux_ivar_r` float, `flux_ivar_z` float, `flux_ivar_w1` float, `flux_ivar_w2` float, `flux_ivar_w3` float, `flux_ivar_w4` float, `fiberflux_g` float, `fiberflux_r` float, `fiberflux_z` float, `fibertotflux_g` float, `fibertotflux_r` float, `fibertotflux_z` float, `apflux_g` array<float>, `apflux_r` array<float>, `apflux_z` array<float>, `apflux_resid_g` array<float>, `apflux_resid_r` array<float>, `apflux_resid_z` array<float>, `apflux_ivar_g` array<float>, `apflux_ivar_r` array<float>, `apflux_ivar_z` array<float>, `mw_transmission_g` float, `mw_transmission_r` float, `mw_transmission_z` float, `mw_transmission_w1` float, `mw_transmission_w2` float, `mw_transmission_w3` float, `mw_transmission_w4` float, `nobs_g` smallint, `nobs_r` smallint, `nobs_z` smallint, `nobs_w1` smallint, `nobs_w2` smallint, `nobs_w3` smallint, `nobs_w4` smallint, `rchisq_g` float, `rchisq_r` float, `rchisq_z` float, `rchisq_w1` float, `rchisq_w2` float, `rchisq_w3` float, `rchisq_w4` float, `fracflux_g` float, `fracflux_r` float, `fracflux_z` float, `fracflux_w1` float, `fracflux_w2` float, `fracflux_w3` float, `fracflux_w4` float, `fracmasked_g` float, `fracmasked_r` float, `fracmasked_z` float, `fracin_g` float, `fracin_r` float, `fracin_z` float, `anymask_g` smallint, `anymask_r` smallint, `anymask_z` smallint, `allmask_g` smallint, `allmask_r` smallint, `allmask_z` smallint, `wisemask_w1` tinyint, `wisemask_w2` tinyint, `psfsize_g` float, `psfsize_r` float, `psfsize_z` float, `psfdepth_g` float, `psfdepth_r` float, `psfdepth_z` float, `galdepth_g` float, `galdepth_r` float, `galdepth_z` float, `psfdepth_w1` float, `psfdepth_w2` float, `psfdepth_w3` float, `psfdepth_w4` float, `wise_coadd_id` string, `lc_flux_w1` array<float>, `lc_flux_w2` array<float>, `lc_flux_ivar_w1` array<float>, `lc_flux_ivar_w2` array<float>, `lc_nobs_w1` array<smallint>, `lc_nobs_w2` array<smallint>, `lc_fracflux_w1` array<float>, `lc_fracflux_w2` array<float>, `lc_rchisq_w1` array<float>, `lc_rchisq_w2` array<float>, `lc_mjd_w1` array<double>, `lc_mjd_w2` array<double>, `fracdev` float, `fracdev_ivar` float, `shapeexp_r` float, `shapeexp_r_ivar` float, `shapeexp_e1` float, `shapeexp_e1_ivar` float, `shapeexp_e2` float, `shapeexp_e2_ivar` float, `shapedev_r` float, `shapedev_r_ivar` float, `shapedev_e1` float, `shapedev_e1_ivar` float, `shapedev_e2` float, `shapedev_e2_ivar` float ) PARTITIONED BY ( h string, r string ) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '/user/tallada/data/legacysurvey/dr8/' ;
Internal Table
CREATE TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 ( `release` smallint, `brickid` int, `brickname` string, `objid` int, `brick_primary` boolean, `brightblob` smallint, `maskbits` smallint, `type` string, `ra` double, `dec` double, `ra_ivar` float, `dec_ivar` float, `bx` float, `by` float, `dchisq` array<float>, `ebv` float, `mjd_min` double, `mjd_max` double, `ref_cat` string, `ref_id` bigint, `pmra` float, `pmdec` float, `parallax` float, `pmra_ivar` float, `pmdec_ivar` float, `parallax_ivar` float, `ref_epoch` float, `gaia_pointsource` boolean, `gaia_phot_g_mean_mag` float, `gaia_phot_g_mean_flux_over_error` float, `gaia_phot_g_n_obs` smallint, `gaia_phot_bp_mean_mag` float, `gaia_phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error` float, `gaia_phot_bp_n_obs` smallint, `gaia_phot_rp_mean_mag` float, `gaia_phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error` float, `gaia_phot_rp_n_obs` smallint, `gaia_phot_variable_flag` boolean, `gaia_astrometric_excess_noise` float, `gaia_astrometric_excess_noise_sig` float, `gaia_astrometric_n_obs_al` smallint, `gaia_astrometric_n_good_obs_al` smallint, `gaia_astrometric_weight_al` float, `gaia_duplicated_source` boolean, `gaia_a_g_val` float, `gaia_e_bp_min_rp_val` float, `gaia_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor` float, `gaia_astrometric_sigma5d_max` float, `gaia_astrometric_params_solved` tinyint, `flux_g` float, `flux_r` float, `flux_z` float, `flux_w1` float, `flux_w2` float, `flux_w3` float, `flux_w4` float, `flux_ivar_g` float, `flux_ivar_r` float, `flux_ivar_z` float, `flux_ivar_w1` float, `flux_ivar_w2` float, `flux_ivar_w3` float, `flux_ivar_w4` float, `fiberflux_g` float, `fiberflux_r` float, `fiberflux_z` float, `fibertotflux_g` float, `fibertotflux_r` float, `fibertotflux_z` float, `apflux_g` array<float>, `apflux_r` array<float>, `apflux_z` array<float>, `apflux_resid_g` array<float>, `apflux_resid_r` array<float>, `apflux_resid_z` array<float>, `apflux_ivar_g` array<float>, `apflux_ivar_r` array<float>, `apflux_ivar_z` array<float>, `mw_transmission_g` float, `mw_transmission_r` float, `mw_transmission_z` float, `mw_transmission_w1` float, `mw_transmission_w2` float, `mw_transmission_w3` float, `mw_transmission_w4` float, `nobs_g` smallint, `nobs_r` smallint, `nobs_z` smallint, `nobs_w1` smallint, `nobs_w2` smallint, `nobs_w3` smallint, `nobs_w4` smallint, `rchisq_g` float, `rchisq_r` float, `rchisq_z` float, `rchisq_w1` float, `rchisq_w2` float, `rchisq_w3` float, `rchisq_w4` float, `fracflux_g` float, `fracflux_r` float, `fracflux_z` float, `fracflux_w1` float, `fracflux_w2` float, `fracflux_w3` float, `fracflux_w4` float, `fracmasked_g` float, `fracmasked_r` float, `fracmasked_z` float, `fracin_g` float, `fracin_r` float, `fracin_z` float, `anymask_g` smallint, `anymask_r` smallint, `anymask_z` smallint, `allmask_g` smallint, `allmask_r` smallint, `allmask_z` smallint, `wisemask_w1` tinyint, `wisemask_w2` tinyint, `psfsize_g` float, `psfsize_r` float, `psfsize_z` float, `psfdepth_g` float, `psfdepth_r` float, `psfdepth_z` float, `galdepth_g` float, `galdepth_r` float, `galdepth_z` float, `psfdepth_w1` float, `psfdepth_w2` float, `psfdepth_w3` float, `psfdepth_w4` float, `wise_coadd_id` string, `lc_flux_w1` array<float>, `lc_flux_w2` array<float>, `lc_flux_ivar_w1` array<float>, `lc_flux_ivar_w2` array<float>, `lc_nobs_w1` array<smallint>, `lc_nobs_w2` array<smallint>, `lc_fracflux_w1` array<float>, `lc_fracflux_w2` array<float>, `lc_rchisq_w1` array<float>, `lc_rchisq_w2` array<float>, `lc_mjd_w1` array<double>, `lc_mjd_w2` array<double>, `fracdev` float, `fracdev_ivar` float, `shapeexp_r` float, `shapeexp_r_ivar` float, `shapeexp_e1` float, `shapeexp_e1_ivar` float, `shapeexp_e2` float, `shapeexp_e2_ivar` float, `shapedev_r` float, `shapedev_r_ivar` float, `shapedev_e1` float, `shapedev_e1_ivar` float, `shapedev_e2` float, `shapedev_e2_ivar` float ) clustered by ( release, brickid, objid ) sorted by ( release, brickid, objid ) into 4096 buckets stored as orc ; insert overwrite table cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 select release, brickid, brickname, objid, brick_primary, brightblob, maskbits, type, ra, dec, ra_ivar, dec_ivar, bx, `by`, dchisq, ebv, mjd_min, mjd_max, ref_cat, ref_id, pmra, pmdec, parallax, pmra_ivar, pmdec_ivar, parallax_ivar, ref_epoch, gaia_pointsource, gaia_phot_g_mean_mag, gaia_phot_g_mean_flux_over_error, gaia_phot_g_n_obs, gaia_phot_bp_mean_mag, gaia_phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error, gaia_phot_bp_n_obs, gaia_phot_rp_mean_mag, gaia_phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error, gaia_phot_rp_n_obs, gaia_phot_variable_flag, gaia_astrometric_excess_noise, gaia_astrometric_excess_noise_sig, gaia_astrometric_n_obs_al, gaia_astrometric_n_good_obs_al, gaia_astrometric_weight_al, gaia_duplicated_source, gaia_a_g_val, gaia_e_bp_min_rp_val, gaia_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor, gaia_astrometric_sigma5d_max, gaia_astrometric_params_solved, flux_g, flux_r, flux_z, flux_w1, flux_w2, flux_w3, flux_w4, flux_ivar_g, flux_ivar_r, flux_ivar_z, flux_ivar_w1, flux_ivar_w2, flux_ivar_w3, flux_ivar_w4, fiberflux_g, fiberflux_r, fiberflux_z, fibertotflux_g, fibertotflux_r, fibertotflux_z, apflux_g, apflux_r, apflux_z, apflux_resid_g, apflux_resid_r, apflux_resid_z, apflux_ivar_g, apflux_ivar_r, apflux_ivar_z, mw_transmission_g, mw_transmission_r, mw_transmission_z, mw_transmission_w1, mw_transmission_w2, mw_transmission_w3, mw_transmission_w4, nobs_g, nobs_r, nobs_z, nobs_w1, nobs_w2, nobs_w3, nobs_w4, rchisq_g, rchisq_r, rchisq_z, rchisq_w1, rchisq_w2, rchisq_w3, rchisq_w4, fracflux_g, fracflux_r, fracflux_z, fracflux_w1, fracflux_w2, fracflux_w3, fracflux_w4, fracmasked_g, fracmasked_r, fracmasked_z, fracin_g, fracin_r, fracin_z, anymask_g, anymask_r, anymask_z, allmask_g, allmask_r, allmask_z, wisemask_w1, wisemask_w2, psfsize_g, psfsize_r, psfsize_z, psfdepth_g, psfdepth_r, psfdepth_z, galdepth_g, galdepth_r, galdepth_z, psfdepth_w1, psfdepth_w2, psfdepth_w3, psfdepth_w4, wise_coadd_id, lc_flux_w1, lc_flux_w2, lc_flux_ivar_w1, lc_flux_ivar_w2, lc_nobs_w1, lc_nobs_w2, lc_fracflux_w1, lc_fracflux_w2, lc_rchisq_w1, lc_rchisq_w2, lc_mjd_w1, lc_mjd_w2, fracdev, fracdev_ivar, shapeexp_r, shapeexp_r_ivar, shapeexp_e1, shapeexp_e1_ivar, shapeexp_e2, shapeexp_e2_ivar, shapedev_r, shapedev_r_ivar, shapedev_e1, shapedev_e1_ivar, shapedev_e2, shapedev_e2_ivar from tallada.dr8 ;
ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE release release smallint COMMENT "Unique integer denoting the camera and filter set used"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE brickid brickid int COMMENT "Brick ID [1,662174]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE brickname brickname string COMMENT "Name of brick, encoding the brick sky position, eg \"1126p222\" near RA=112.6, Dec=+22.2"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE objid objid int COMMENT "Catalog object number within this brick; a unique identifier hash is release,brickid,objid; objid spans [0,N-1] and is contiguously enumerated within each brick"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE brick_primary brick_primary boolean COMMENT "True if the object is within the brick boundary"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE brightblob brightblob smallint COMMENT "bitwise mask indicating that an object is near a bright foreground source, as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE maskbits maskbits smallint COMMENT "bitwise mask indicating that an object touches a pixel in the coadd/*/*/*maskbits*maps, as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE type type string COMMENT "Morphological model: PSF=stellar, REX=round exponential galaxy, DEV=deVauc, EXP=exponential, COMP=composite, DUP=Gaia source fit by different model."; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE ra ra double COMMENT "Right ascension at equinox J2000"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE dec dec double COMMENT "Declination at equinox J2000"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE ra_ivar ra_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of RA (no cosine term!), excluding astrometric calibration errors"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE dec_ivar dec_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of DEC, excluding astrometric calibration errors"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE bx bx float COMMENT "X position (0-indexed) of coordinates in brick image stack"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE by by float COMMENT "Y position (0-indexed) of coordinates in brick image stack"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE dchisq dchisq array<float> COMMENT "Difference in χ² between successively more-complex model fits: PSF, REX, DEV, EXP, COMP. The difference is versus no source."; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE ebv ebv float COMMENT "Galactic extinction E(B-V) reddening from SFD98, used to compute the mw_transmission_ columns"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mjd_min mjd_min double COMMENT "Minimum Modified Julian Date of observations used to construct the model of this object"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mjd_max mjd_max double COMMENT "Maximum Modified Julian Date of observations used to construct the model of this object"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE ref_cat ref_cat string COMMENT "Reference catalog source for this star: T2 for Tycho-2, G2 for Gaia DR2, L2 for the LSLGA, empty otherwise"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE ref_id ref_id bigint COMMENT "Reference catalog identifier for this star; Tyc1*1,000,000+Tyc2*10+Tyc3 for Tycho2; \"sourceid\" for Gaia-DR2 and LSLGA"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE pmra pmra float COMMENT "Reference catalog proper motion in the RA direction"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE pmdec pmdec float COMMENT "Reference catalog proper motion in the Dec direction"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE parallax parallax float COMMENT "Reference catalog parallax"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE pmra_ivar pmra_ivar float COMMENT "Reference catalog inverse-variance on pmra"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE pmdec_ivar pmdec_ivar float COMMENT "Reference catalog inverse-variance on pmdec"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE parallax_ivar parallax_ivar float COMMENT "Reference catalog inverse-variance on parallax"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE ref_epoch ref_epoch float COMMENT "Reference catalog reference epoch (eg, 2015.5 for Gaia DR2)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_pointsource gaia_pointsource boolean COMMENT "This Gaia DR2 source is believed to be a star, not a galaxy"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_g_mean_mag gaia_phot_g_mean_mag float COMMENT "Gaia G band mag"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_g_mean_flux_over_error gaia_phot_g_mean_flux_over_error float COMMENT "Gaia G band signal-to-noise"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_g_n_obs gaia_phot_g_n_obs smallint COMMENT "Gaia G band number of observations"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_bp_mean_mag gaia_phot_bp_mean_mag float COMMENT "Gaia BP mag"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error gaia_phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error float COMMENT "Gaia BP signal-to-noise"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_bp_n_obs gaia_phot_bp_n_obs smallint COMMENT "Gaia BP number of observations"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_rp_mean_mag gaia_phot_rp_mean_mag float COMMENT "Gaia RP mag"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error gaia_phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error float COMMENT "Gaia RP signal-to-noise"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_rp_n_obs gaia_phot_rp_n_obs smallint COMMENT "Gaia RP number of observations"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_variable_flag gaia_phot_variable_flag boolean COMMENT "Gaia photometric variable flag"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_astrometric_excess_noise gaia_astrometric_excess_noise float COMMENT "Gaia astrometric excess noise"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_astrometric_excess_noise_sig gaia_astrometric_excess_noise_sig float COMMENT "Gaia astrometric excess noise uncertainty"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_astrometric_n_obs_al gaia_astrometric_n_obs_al smallint COMMENT "Gaia number of astrometric observations along scan direction"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_astrometric_n_good_obs_al gaia_astrometric_n_good_obs_al smallint COMMENT "Gaia number of good astrometric observations along scan direction"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_astrometric_weight_al gaia_astrometric_weight_al float COMMENT "Gaia astrometric weight along scan direction"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_duplicated_source gaia_duplicated_source boolean COMMENT "Gaia duplicated source flag"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_a_g_val gaia_a_g_val float COMMENT "Gaia line-of-sight extinction in the G band"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_e_bp_min_rp_val gaia_e_bp_min_rp_val float COMMENT "Gaia line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor gaia_phot_bp_rp_excess_factor float COMMENT "Gaia BP/RP excess factor"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_astrometric_sigma5d_max gaia_astrometric_sigma5d_max float COMMENT "Gaia longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE gaia_astrometric_params_solved gaia_astrometric_params_solved tinyint COMMENT "which astrometric parameters were estimated for a Gaia source"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_g flux_g float COMMENT "model flux in gg"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_r flux_r float COMMENT "model flux in rr"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_z flux_z float COMMENT "model flux in zz"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_w1 flux_w1 float COMMENT "WISE model flux in W1W1 (AB system)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_w2 flux_w2 float COMMENT "WISE model flux in W2W2 (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_w3 flux_w3 float COMMENT "WISE model flux in W3W3 (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_w4 flux_w4 float COMMENT "WISE model flux in W4W4 (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_ivar_g flux_ivar_g float COMMENT "Inverse variance of flux_g"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_ivar_r flux_ivar_r float COMMENT "Inverse variance of flux_r"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_ivar_z flux_ivar_z float COMMENT "Inverse variance of flux_z"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_ivar_w1 flux_ivar_w1 float COMMENT "Inverse variance of flux_w1 (AB system)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_ivar_w2 flux_ivar_w2 float COMMENT "Inverse variance of flux_w2 (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_ivar_w3 flux_ivar_w3 float COMMENT "Inverse variance of flux_w3 (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE flux_ivar_w4 flux_ivar_w4 float COMMENT "Inverse variance of flux_w4 (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fiberflux_g fiberflux_g float COMMENT "Predicted gg-band flux within a fiber from this object in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fiberflux_r fiberflux_r float COMMENT "Predicted rr-band flux within a fiber from this object in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fiberflux_z fiberflux_z float COMMENT "Predicted zz-band flux within a fiber from this object in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fibertotflux_g fibertotflux_g float COMMENT "Predicted gg-band flux within a fiber from all sources at this location in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fibertotflux_r fibertotflux_r float COMMENT "Predicted rr-band flux within a fiber from all sources at this location in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fibertotflux_z fibertotflux_z float COMMENT "Predicted zz-band flux within a fiber from all sources at this location in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_g apflux_g array<float> COMMENT "aperture fluxes on the co-added images in apertures of radius [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0] arcsec in gg"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_r apflux_r array<float> COMMENT "aperture fluxes on the co-added images in apertures of radius [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0] arcsec in rr"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_z apflux_z array<float> COMMENT "aperture fluxes on the co-added images in apertures of radius [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0] arcsec in zz"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_resid_g apflux_resid_g array<float> COMMENT "aperture fluxes on the co-added residual images in gg"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_resid_r apflux_resid_r array<float> COMMENT "aperture fluxes on the co-added residual images in rr"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_resid_z apflux_resid_z array<float> COMMENT "aperture fluxes on the co-added residual images in zz"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_ivar_g apflux_ivar_g array<float> COMMENT "Inverse variance of apflux_resid_g"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_ivar_r apflux_ivar_r array<float> COMMENT "Inverse variance of apflux_resid_r"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE apflux_ivar_z apflux_ivar_z array<float> COMMENT "Inverse variance of apflux_resid_z"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mw_transmission_g mw_transmission_g float COMMENT "Galactic transmission in gg filter in linear units [0, 1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mw_transmission_r mw_transmission_r float COMMENT "Galactic transmission in rr filter in linear units [0, 1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mw_transmission_z mw_transmission_z float COMMENT "Galactic transmission in zz filter in linear units [0, 1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mw_transmission_w1 mw_transmission_w1 float COMMENT "Galactic transmission in W1W1 filter in linear units [0, 1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mw_transmission_w2 mw_transmission_w2 float COMMENT "Galactic transmission in W2W2 filter in linear units [0, 1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mw_transmission_w3 mw_transmission_w3 float COMMENT "Galactic transmission in W3W3 filter in linear units [0, 1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE mw_transmission_w4 mw_transmission_w4 float COMMENT "Galactic transmission in W4W4 filter in linear units [0, 1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE nobs_g nobs_g smallint COMMENT "Number of images that contribute to the central pixel in gg: filter for this object (not profile-weighted)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE nobs_r nobs_r smallint COMMENT "Number of images that contribute to the central pixel in rr: filter for this object (not profile-weighted)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE nobs_z nobs_z smallint COMMENT "Number of images that contribute to the central pixel in zz: filter for this object (not profile-weighted)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE nobs_w1 nobs_w1 smallint COMMENT "Number of images that contribute to the central pixel in W1W1: filter for this object (not profile-weighted)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE nobs_w2 nobs_w2 smallint COMMENT "Number of images that contribute to the central pixel in W2W2: filter for this object (not profile-weighted)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE nobs_w3 nobs_w3 smallint COMMENT "Number of images that contribute to the central pixel in W3W3: filter for this object (not profile-weighted)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE nobs_w4 nobs_w4 smallint COMMENT "Number of images that contribute to the central pixel in W4W4: filter for this object (not profile-weighted)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE rchisq_g rchisq_g float COMMENT "Profile-weighted χ² of model fit normalized by the number of pixels in gg"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE rchisq_r rchisq_r float COMMENT "Profile-weighted χ² of model fit normalized by the number of pixels in rr"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE rchisq_z rchisq_z float COMMENT "Profile-weighted χ² of model fit normalized by the number of pixels in zz"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE rchisq_w1 rchisq_w1 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted χ² of model fit normalized by the number of pixels in W1W1"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE rchisq_w2 rchisq_w2 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted χ² of model fit normalized by the number of pixels in W2W2"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE rchisq_w3 rchisq_w3 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted χ² of model fit normalized by the number of pixels in W3W3"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE rchisq_w4 rchisq_w4 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted χ² of model fit normalized by the number of pixels in W4W4"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracflux_g fracflux_g float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in gg(typically [0,1])"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracflux_r fracflux_r float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in rr(typically [0,1])"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracflux_z fracflux_z float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in zz(typically [0,1])"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracflux_w1 fracflux_w1 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in W1W1(typically [0,1])"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracflux_w2 fracflux_w2 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in W2W2(typically [0,1])"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracflux_w3 fracflux_w3 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in W3W3(typically [0,1])"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracflux_w4 fracflux_w4 float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in W4W4(typically [0,1])"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracmasked_g fracmasked_g float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of pixels masked from all observations of this object in gg, strictly between [0,1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracmasked_r fracmasked_r float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of pixels masked from all observations of this object in rr, strictly between [0,1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracmasked_z fracmasked_z float COMMENT "Profile-weighted fraction of pixels masked from all observations of this object in zz, strictly between [0,1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracin_g fracin_g float COMMENT "Fraction of a source's flux within the blob in gg, near unity for real sources"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracin_r fracin_r float COMMENT "Fraction of a source's flux within the blob in rr, near unity for real sources"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracin_z fracin_z float COMMENT "Fraction of a source's flux within the blob in zz, near unity for real sources"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE anymask_g anymask_g smallint COMMENT "Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from any image satisfies each condition in gg as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE anymask_r anymask_r smallint COMMENT "Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from any image satisfies each condition in rr as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE anymask_z anymask_z smallint COMMENT "Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from any image satisfies each condition in zz as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE allmask_g allmask_g smallint COMMENT "Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from all images satisfy each condition in gg as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE allmask_r allmask_r smallint COMMENT "Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from all images satisfy each condition in rr as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE allmask_z allmask_z smallint COMMENT "Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from all images satisfy each condition in zz as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE wisemask_w1 wisemask_w1 tinyint COMMENT "W1 bitmask as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE wisemask_w2 wisemask_w2 tinyint COMMENT "W2 bitmask as cataloged on the DR8 bitmasks page"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfsize_g psfsize_g float COMMENT "Weighted average PSF FWHM in the gg band"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfsize_r psfsize_r float COMMENT "Weighted average PSF FWHM in the rr band"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfsize_z psfsize_z float COMMENT "Weighted average PSF FWHM in the zz band"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfdepth_g psfdepth_g float COMMENT "For a 5σ5σ point source detection limit in gg, 5/(√psfdepth_g)5/(psfdepth_g) gives flux in nanomaggies and −2.5[log10(5/(√psfdepth_g))−9]−2.5[log10(5/(psfdepth_g))−9] gives corresponding AB magnitude"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfdepth_r psfdepth_r float COMMENT "For a 5σ5σ point source detection limit in gg, 5/(√psfdepth_r)5/(psfdepth_r) gives flux in nanomaggies and −2.5[log10(5/(√psfdepth_r))−9]−2.5[log10(5/(psfdepth_r))−9] gives corresponding AB magnitude"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfdepth_z psfdepth_z float COMMENT "For a 5σ5σ point source detection limit in gg, 5/(√psfdepth_z)5/(psfdepth_z) gives flux in nanomaggies and −2.5[log10(5/(√psfdepth_z))−9]−2.5[log10(5/(psfdepth_z))−9] gives corresponding AB magnitude"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE galdepth_g galdepth_g float COMMENT "As for psfdepth_g but for a galaxy (0.45\" exp, round) detection sensitivity"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE galdepth_r galdepth_r float COMMENT "As for psfdepth_r but for a galaxy (0.45\" exp, round) detection sensitivity"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE galdepth_z galdepth_z float COMMENT "As for psfdepth_z but for a galaxy (0.45\" exp, round) detection sensitivity"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfdepth_w1 psfdepth_w1 float COMMENT "As for psfdepth_g (and also on the AB system) but for WISE W1"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfdepth_w2 psfdepth_w2 float COMMENT "As for psfdepth_g (and also on the AB system) but for WISE W2"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfdepth_w3 psfdepth_w3 float COMMENT "As for psfdepth_g (and also on the AB system) but for WISE W3"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE psfdepth_w4 psfdepth_w4 float COMMENT "As for psfdepth_g (and also on the AB system) but for WISE W4"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE wise_coadd_id wise_coadd_id string COMMENT "unWISE coadd file name for the center of each object"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_flux_w1 lc_flux_w1 array<float> COMMENT "flux_w1 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs (AB system)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_flux_w2 lc_flux_w2 array<float> COMMENT "flux_w2 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_flux_ivar_w1 lc_flux_ivar_w1 array<float> COMMENT "Inverse variance of lc_flux_w1 (AB system)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_flux_ivar_w2 lc_flux_ivar_w2 array<float> COMMENT "Inverse variance of lc_flux_w2 (AB)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_nobs_w1 lc_nobs_w1 array<smallint> COMMENT "nobs_w1 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_nobs_w2 lc_nobs_w2 array<smallint> COMMENT "nobs_w2 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_fracflux_w1 lc_fracflux_w1 array<float> COMMENT "fracflux_w1 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_fracflux_w2 lc_fracflux_w2 array<float> COMMENT "fracflux_w2 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_rchisq_w1 lc_rchisq_w1 array<float> COMMENT "rchisq_w1 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_rchisq_w2 lc_rchisq_w2 array<float> COMMENT "rchisq_w2 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_mjd_w1 lc_mjd_w1 array<double> COMMENT "mjd_w1 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE lc_mjd_w2 lc_mjd_w2 array<double> COMMENT "mjd_w2 in each of up to eleven unWISE coadd epochs"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracdev fracdev float COMMENT "Fraction of model in deVauc [0,1]"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE fracdev_ivar fracdev_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of fracdev"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapeexp_r shapeexp_r float COMMENT "Half-light radius of exponential model (>0)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapeexp_r_ivar shapeexp_r_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of shapeexp_r"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapeexp_e1 shapeexp_e1 float COMMENT "Ellipticity component 1"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapeexp_e1_ivar shapeexp_e1_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of shapeexp_e1"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapeexp_e2 shapeexp_e2 float COMMENT "Ellipticity component 2"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapeexp_e2_ivar shapeexp_e2_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of shapeexp_e2"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapedev_r shapedev_r float COMMENT "Half-light radius of deVaucouleurs model (>0)"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapedev_r_ivar shapedev_r_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of shapedev_r"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapedev_e1 shapedev_e1 float COMMENT "Ellipticity component 1"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapedev_e1_ivar shapedev_e1_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of shapedev_e1"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapedev_e2 shapedev_e2 float COMMENT "Ellipticity component 2"; ALTER TABLE cosmohub.legacy_survey_dr8 CHANGE shapedev_e2_ivar shapedev_e2_ivar float COMMENT "Inverse variance of shapedev_e2";