Gitlab Migration
In order to upgrade the gitlab service, it was required to move it to a new host. The migration of the git repositories from the old host to the new one cannot be done transparently because the previous version has not easy upgrade procedure. For newer releases, all information will be preserved and the procedure will be done without any user intervention.
Also, note that for this particular upgrade, all information from tickets, merge requests and wiki WILL NOT BE MIGRATED.
In order to migrate your git repositories to the new host, follow these instructions:
1) Log into with your PIC credentials
2) If you use want to use SSH authentication, you have to upload the corresponding public key. You can access this from the Settings drop-down menu in the top-left of the screen.
3) For each git repository that you want to migrate, execute the the following commands onto the directory it resides:
# Update the URL of the repository $ git remote set-url origin $(git remote show -n origin | grep "Fetch URL" | awk '{print $3}' | sed s/ # Push everything to new remote $ git push origin --all $ git push origin --tags
There will be a 3 month period where both gitlab host will coexist to give time users to migrate.
After that, gitlab01 will be decomissioned and the alias will point to
Users shall then update their remotes to point to the alias so that future upgrades can be done transparently.
# Change the remote called origin with the new address of the repository $ git remote set-url origin $(git remote -v | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u | sed s/