Revision as of 15:37, 9 January 2025 by Torradeflot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Tape = Status and attributes of tape-backed storage can be accessed through special dot commands. Some of them are listed here:")
Status and attributes of tape-backed storage can be accessed through special dot commands.
Some of them are listed here:
For example:
To check if a folder is backed by tape or not, you can use the `grep "" $(cat ".(tags)()")`
On a tape-backed folder you will see something like this.
[torradeflot@tds280 albag20240319044]$ grep "" $(cat ".(tags)()") .(tag)(AccessLatency):NEARLINE .(tag)(file_family):tape .(tag)(file_family_width):1 .(tag)(file_family_wrapper):cpio_odc .(tag)(library):IBML8 .(tag)(OSMTemplate):StoreName vo-incaem .(tag)(RetentionPolicy):CUSTODIAL .(tag)(sGroup):incaem .(tag)(storage_group):vo-incaem
In a non-tape folder:
[torradeflot@tds280 incaem]$ grep "" $(cat ".(tags)()") .(tag)(AccessLatency):ONLINE .(tag)(file_family):incaem .(tag)(RetentionPolicy):REPLICA .(tag)(storage_group):vo-incaem