ZEST v1.0

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Downloaded on 2019-02-18 from https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/COSMOS/tables/morphology/cosmos_morph_zurich_1.0.tbl

Converted to CSV using LibreOffice Calc.


    `SequentialID` INT COMMENT "Identification number",
    `RA` FLOAT COMMENT "Right ascension (degrees)",
    `DEC` FLOAT COMMENT "Declination (degrees)",
    `CAPAK_ID` FLOAT COMMENT "ID based on ground-based photometric catalog of Capak 2006",
    `CAPAK_RA` FLOAT COMMENT "Closest matched right ascension to ground-based catalog within 0.6\" (degrees)",
    `CAPAK_DEC` FLOAT COMMENT "Closest matched declination to ground-based catalog within 0.6\" (degrees)",
    `ACS_MAG_AUTO` FLOAT COMMENT "Total magnitude of object- used for catalog selection",
    `ACS_MAGERR_AUTO` FLOAT COMMENT "Magnitude error",
    `ACS_X_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "X-pixel position on ACS-tile",
    `ACS_Y_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "Y-pixel position on ACS-tile",
    `ACS_XPEAK_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "X-pixel position of object peak flux on ACS tile",
    `ACS_YPEAK_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "Y-pixel position of object peak flux on ACS tile",
    `ACS_ALPHAPEAK_` FLOAT COMMENT "RA of object peak flux (degrees)",
    `ACS_DELTAPEAK_` FLOAT COMMENT "Dec of object peak flux (degrees)",
    `ACS_A_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor semi-major axis",
    `ACS_B_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor semi-minor axis",
    `ACS_THETA_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor position angle",
    `ACS_ELONGATION` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor a/b [semi-major axis / semi minor axis]",
    `ACS_CLASS_STAR` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor stellarity parameter",
    `ACS_IDENT` FLOAT COMMENT "Unique number that identifies object",
    `ACS_SE` FLOAT COMMENT "0 = Detection from 'cold' pass of Sextractor, 1 = Detection from 'hot' pass of Sextractor",
    `ACS_MU_CLASS` FLOAT COMMENT "Type of object (1 = galaxy, 2 = star, 3 = spurious)",
    `ACS_OVERLAP` FLOAT COMMENT "Object overlap flag. All objects here have overlap =1 i.e. no overlap.",
    `ACS_NEARSTAR` FLOAT COMMENT "Object in star mask flag. All the objects in this morphological catalog have \"nearstar = 1\" which means they are not in a star mask.",
    `ACS_MASK` FLOAT COMMENT "Object in automatic mask flag: 2 = star used to make automatic mask",
    `ACS_MASKED` FLOAT COMMENT "Object in manual mask flag: -1 = manual mask (astrophysical obj), 0 = manual mask (artifact or image defect), 1 = not in manual mask",
    `ACS_CLEAN` FLOAT COMMENT "Object useable flag: 0 = do not use this object, 1 = use this object",
    `ACS_UNIQUE` FLOAT COMMENT "Object unique flag. All the objects in this morphological catalog have \"unique = 1\" which means they are all \"unique\" in the original ACS catalog.",
    `GG` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Gini coefficient",
    `M20` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST second order moment of the 20% brightest pixels",
    `CC` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST concentration",
    `AA` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST asymmetry",
    `R20` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST semi-major axis length of ellipse encompassing 20% of total light (pixels)",
    `R50` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST semi-major axis length of ellipse encompassing 50% of total light (pixels)",
    `R80` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST semi-major axis length of ellipse encompassing 80% of total light (pixels)",
    `RPET` FLOAT COMMENT "Zest semi-major axis length for Petrosian Radius ellipse (pixels)",
    `FLAGRPET` FLOAT COMMENT "Petrosian radius flag: 0 = single Petrosian radius measured, 2 = multiple radii measured (noisy SB profile), 5 = SB profile was corrected for diffuse light contribution from neighboring object(s)",
    `FLUX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D total flux (counts)",
    `LE_FLUX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "LE_FLUX_GIM2D (99% conf. lower error on R_GIM2D)",
    `UE_FLUX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "UE_FLUX_GIM2D (99% conf. lower error on R_GIM2D)",
    `R_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D psf-convolved half-light radius of object (arcseconds)",
    `LE_R_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on R_GIM2D",
    `UE_R_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on R_GIM2D",
    `ELL_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D ellipticity = 1-b/a of object",
    `LE_ELL_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on ELL_GIM2D",
    `UE_ELL_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on ELL_GIM2D",
    `PA_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D position angle of object - cw from +y-axis (degrees)",
    `LE_PA_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on PA_GIM2D",
    `UE_PA_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on PA_GIM2D",
    `DX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "x-offset of GIM2D-model center from ACS-coordinate center (arcseconds)",
    `LE_DX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on DX_GIM2D",
    `UE_DX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on DX_GIM2D",
    `DY_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "y-offset of GIM2D-model center from ACS-coordinate center (arcseconds)",
    `LE_DY_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on DY_GIM2D",
    `UE_DY_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on DY_GIM2D",
    `SERSIC_N_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D Sersic index",
    `LE_N_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on SERSIC_N_GIM2D",
    `UE_N_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on SERSIC_N_GIM2D",
    `R_0P5_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D half-light radius of object without PSF convolution (arcseconds)",
    `CHI_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "reduced CHI2 of the best GIM2D model fit",
    `ITER_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "no. of iterations required for GIM2D fit to converge",
    `PC_1` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST first principal component",
    `PC_2` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST second principal component",
    `PC_3` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST third principal component",
    `TYPE` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Type CLASS (1 = Early type, 2 = Disk, 3 = Irregular Galaxy, 9 = no classification)",
    `BULG` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST \"Bulgeness\" CLASS - only for Type 2 (disk) galaxies: 0 = bulge dominated galaxy, 1,2 = INTermediate-bulge galaxies, 3 = pure disk galaxy, 9 = no classification",
    `IRRE` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Irregularity CLASS - only for Type 1 (elliptical) galaxies: 0 = regular, 1 = irregular, 9 = no value",
    `ELLI` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Ellipticity CLASS, 0 = fac-on, 1,2 = increasingly higher elongation, 3 = edge-on, 9 = no classification of elongation",
    `STELLARITY` FLOAT COMMENT "Visual Stellarity flag: 0 if ACS_CLASS_STAR<0.6 (object is ASSUMED to be a galaxy, no visual inspection), 0 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.6 AND object visually identified as a galaxy, 1 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.6 AND visually identified as a star, 2 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.8 (object is assumed to be a star and was not visually inspected), 3 if ACS_CLASS_STAR<0.6 but object is visually identified as a star (e.g. saturated star, etc)",
    `JUNKFLAG` FLOAT COMMENT "0 = good object, 1 = spurious",
    `ACSTile` STRING COMMENT "ACS TILE number from which the object is extracted"
LOCATION '/user/tallada/data/zest'
CREATE TABLE cosmohub.zest (
    `SequentialID` INT COMMENT "Identification number",
    `RA` FLOAT COMMENT "Right ascension (degrees)",
    `DEC` FLOAT COMMENT "Declination (degrees)",
    `CAPAK_ID` FLOAT COMMENT "ID based on ground-based photometric catalog of Capak 2006",
    `CAPAK_RA` FLOAT COMMENT "Closest matched right ascension to ground-based catalog within 0.6\" (degrees)",
    `CAPAK_DEC` FLOAT COMMENT "Closest matched declination to ground-based catalog within 0.6\" (degrees)",
    `ACS_MAG_AUTO` FLOAT COMMENT "Total magnitude of object- used for catalog selection",
    `ACS_MAGERR_AUTO` FLOAT COMMENT "Magnitude error",
    `ACS_X_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "X-pixel position on ACS-tile",
    `ACS_Y_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "Y-pixel position on ACS-tile",
    `ACS_XPEAK_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "X-pixel position of object peak flux on ACS tile",
    `ACS_YPEAK_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "Y-pixel position of object peak flux on ACS tile",
    `ACS_ALPHAPEAK_` FLOAT COMMENT "RA of object peak flux (degrees)",
    `ACS_DELTAPEAK_` FLOAT COMMENT "Dec of object peak flux (degrees)",
    `ACS_A_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor semi-major axis",
    `ACS_B_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor semi-minor axis",
    `ACS_THETA_IMAGE` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor position angle",
    `ACS_ELONGATION` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor a/b [semi-major axis / semi minor axis]",
    `ACS_CLASS_STAR` FLOAT COMMENT "SExtractor stellarity parameter",
    `ACS_IDENT` FLOAT COMMENT "Unique number that identifies object",
    `ACS_SE` FLOAT COMMENT "0 = Detection from 'cold' pass of Sextractor, 1 = Detection from 'hot' pass of Sextractor",
    `ACS_MU_CLASS` FLOAT COMMENT "Type of object (1 = galaxy, 2 = star, 3 = spurious)",
    `ACS_OVERLAP` FLOAT COMMENT "Object overlap flag. All objects here have overlap =1 i.e. no overlap.",
    `ACS_NEARSTAR` FLOAT COMMENT "Object in star mask flag. All the objects in this morphological catalog have \"nearstar = 1\" which means they are not in a star mask.",
    `ACS_MASK` FLOAT COMMENT "Object in automatic mask flag: 2 = star used to make automatic mask",
    `ACS_MASKED` FLOAT COMMENT "Object in manual mask flag: -1 = manual mask (astrophysical obj), 0 = manual mask (artifact or image defect), 1 = not in manual mask",
    `ACS_CLEAN` FLOAT COMMENT "Object useable flag: 0 = do not use this object, 1 = use this object",
    `ACS_UNIQUE` FLOAT COMMENT "Object unique flag. All the objects in this morphological catalog have \"unique = 1\" which means they are all \"unique\" in the original ACS catalog.",
    `GG` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Gini coefficient",
    `M20` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST second order moment of the 20% brightest pixels",
    `CC` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST concentration",
    `AA` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST asymmetry",
    `R20` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST semi-major axis length of ellipse encompassing 20% of total light (pixels)",
    `R50` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST semi-major axis length of ellipse encompassing 50% of total light (pixels)",
    `R80` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST semi-major axis length of ellipse encompassing 80% of total light (pixels)",
    `RPET` FLOAT COMMENT "Zest semi-major axis length for Petrosian Radius ellipse (pixels)",
    `FLAGRPET` FLOAT COMMENT "Petrosian radius flag: 0 = single Petrosian radius measured, 2 = multiple radii measured (noisy SB profile), 5 = SB profile was corrected for diffuse light contribution from neighboring object(s)",
    `FLUX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D total flux (counts)",
    `LE_FLUX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "LE_FLUX_GIM2D (99% conf. lower error on R_GIM2D)",
    `UE_FLUX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "UE_FLUX_GIM2D (99% conf. lower error on R_GIM2D)",
    `R_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D psf-convolved half-light radius of object (arcseconds)",
    `LE_R_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on R_GIM2D",
    `UE_R_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on R_GIM2D",
    `ELL_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D ellipticity = 1-b/a of object",
    `LE_ELL_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on ELL_GIM2D",
    `UE_ELL_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on ELL_GIM2D",
    `PA_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D position angle of object - cw from +y-axis (degrees)",
    `LE_PA_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on PA_GIM2D",
    `UE_PA_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on PA_GIM2D",
    `DX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "x-offset of GIM2D-model center from ACS-coordinate center (arcseconds)",
    `LE_DX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on DX_GIM2D",
    `UE_DX_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on DX_GIM2D",
    `DY_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "y-offset of GIM2D-model center from ACS-coordinate center (arcseconds)",
    `LE_DY_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on DY_GIM2D",
    `UE_DY_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on DY_GIM2D",
    `SERSIC_N_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D Sersic index",
    `LE_N_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. lower error on SERSIC_N_GIM2D",
    `UE_N_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "99% conf. upper error on SERSIC_N_GIM2D",
    `R_0P5_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "GIM2D half-light radius of object without PSF convolution (arcseconds)",
    `CHI_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "reduced CHI2 of the best GIM2D model fit",
    `ITER_GIM2D` FLOAT COMMENT "no. of iterations required for GIM2D fit to converge",
    `PC_1` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST first principal component",
    `PC_2` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST second principal component",
    `PC_3` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST third principal component",
    `TYPE` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Type CLASS (1 = Early type, 2 = Disk, 3 = Irregular Galaxy, 9 = no classification)",
    `BULG` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST \"Bulgeness\" CLASS - only for Type 2 (disk) galaxies: 0 = bulge dominated galaxy, 1,2 = INTermediate-bulge galaxies, 3 = pure disk galaxy, 9 = no classification",
    `IRRE` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Irregularity CLASS - only for Type 1 (elliptical) galaxies: 0 = regular, 1 = irregular, 9 = no value",
    `ELLI` FLOAT COMMENT "ZEST Ellipticity CLASS, 0 = fac-on, 1,2 = increasingly higher elongation, 3 = edge-on, 9 = no classification of elongation",
    `STELLARITY` FLOAT COMMENT "Visual Stellarity flag: 0 if ACS_CLASS_STAR<0.6 (object is ASSUMED to be a galaxy, no visual inspection), 0 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.6 AND object visually identified as a galaxy, 1 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.6 AND visually identified as a star, 2 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.8 (object is assumed to be a star and was not visually inspected), 3 if ACS_CLASS_STAR<0.6 but object is visually identified as a star (e.g. saturated star, etc)",
    `JUNKFLAG` FLOAT COMMENT "0 = good object, 1 = spurious",
    `ACSTile` STRING COMMENT "ACS TILE number from which the object is extracted"
CLUSTERED BY (`SequentialID`)
SELECT * FROM tallada.zest