About this document
- This document shows several examples of useful commands that can be run in the dCache Administration Console.
- Administration console can be accessed through [PCells GUI] or through SSHv2 as follows (in the example, dccore.pic.es is the physical machine running the admin cell):
ssh -2 -x -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l admin -c blowfish -p 22224 dccore.pic.es
- In this document we show what we consider the most important commands for the everyday's administration tasks, and basically the ones that may be useful for the Manager On Duty. Maybe some important commands are missing, but will be added as soon as we detect that these may be important for the MoD.
- This document is divided in two main blocks:
- Pool commands: shows useful commands that can be run on pools.
- Service commands: show useful commands that can be run on servers (this will include doors)
The basics
- If you access the Administration Console through SSHv2 you should access to the different cells as follows:
\? [command]... # display help for shell commands
\c cell[@domain] [user] # connect to cell
\exception [trace] # controls display of stack traces
\h [command]... # display help for cell commands
\l [cell[@domain]|pool/poolgroup]... # list cells
\q # quit
\s (cell[@domain]|pool/poolgroup)[,(cell[@domain]|pool/poolgroup)]... command... # send command
\sl pnfsid|path command... # send to locations
\sn command... # send pnfsmanager command
\sp command... # send poolmanager command
\timeout [seconds] # sets the command timeout
- With \s you will be able to access to any cell[@domain]s, while branches of this command such like \sn or \sp are useful to (respectively) direct access to the namespace or poolmanager cells without the need of specifying the cell[@domain].
Pool commands
- Any command run on a pool is a temporary change: on any pool service restart configuration will be restored back to the default value or to the value set in the setup file (locate in /dcpool*/vpool*/setup).
- In example, whenever we set a pool to rdonly, on restart, once the initialization process finishes, pool will switch back to enabled.
- If you want to make permanent changes, you should save changes. Running the save command will update the already mentioned setup file.
- In example, whenever we set a pool to rdonly and we save the configuration, on a restart, once the initialization process finishes, pool will remain rdonly.
Disable / enable pools
- Command help (\s dc???_? help hsm):
pool disable [options] [<errorCode> [<errorMessage>]] # suspend sending 'up messages'
-fetch # disallows fetch (transfer to client)
-stage # disallows staging (from HSM)
-store # disallows store (transfer from client)
-rdonly # := store,stage,p2p-client
-strict # := disallows everything
pool enable # start sending 'up messages' again
pool suppress hsmload on|off
Disable / enable pool examples
- Disallow store + stage + p2p-client (set pool in read only mode)
[dccore01] (local) admin > pool disable -rdonly
- Enable pool (set pool to RW)
[dccore01] (local) admin > pool enable
HSM configuration
- Command help (\s dc???_? help hsm):
hsm create <type> [<name> [<provider>]] [-<key>=<value>] ...
hsm ls [<name>] ...
hsm remove <name>
hsm set <name> [-<key>=<value>] ...
hsm show providers # show available nearline storage providers
hsm unset <name> [-<key>] ...
HSM configuration examples
- Create a enstore HSM with the real-encp.sh client script (this example can be found in the setup file):
[dccore01] (local) admin > hsm create enstore enstore script -pnfs=/pnfs/fs/usr -command=/opt/enstore/bin/real-encp.sh -c:gets=200 -c:puts=20 -c:removes=2
- Show enstore configuration:
[dccore01] (local) admin > hsm ls enstore
pnfs /pnfs/fs/usr
command /opt/enstore/bin/real-encp.sh
c:gets 200
c:puts 20
c:removes 2
- Set maximum restores to 400:
[dccore01] (local) admin > hsm set enstore -c:gets=400